50 research outputs found

    Deliberative leading style of multicultural and multinational ship crews

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    Prisotnost in sodelovanje multikulturnih in večnacionalnih posadk je vsakdanja stalnica sodobnega pomorstva. Poleg globalne možnosti sobivanja, delovanja in širokega povezovanja ljudi in izmenjav izkušenj, predstavlja pretok blaga po morju komunikacijski in varnostni izziv. Cilj je, da bi glede na nesporni vpliv človeškega dejavnika na delovanje, bivanje in na nesreče v času plovbe, poskušali razvijati odprte demokratične komunikacijske strukture, ki v konceptualnem nastavku omogočajo vključevanja vplivnih dejavnikov v procese sooblikovanja in soodločanja o konkretnih problematikah. Prvenstveno se prek demokratizacije odnosov stremi k razvijanju konceptualne ideje, da je mogoče, prek demokratičnih komunikacijskih struktur med enakimi člani sobivajoče in delujoče skupnosti, vzpostaviti komunikacijske pogoje, ki zaradi vključevalne možnosti nenehnih prispevkov in preverljivosti prispevajo k učinkovitejšemu pretoku blaga, blaginji posameznika in kolektiva, ter predvsem pozitivno učinkujejo na zmanjševanje tveganj oz. nesreč na morju.The presence and cooperation between multicultural and multinational ship crews has become a common occurence in modern maritime affairs. In addition to the global potential of coexistence, the operation and broad integration of people in exchanging their different life experiences and the transition of goods across the seas, is a communicational and security challenge. The aim being, due to the indisputable influence of the human factor on day to day operations, residence and possible accidents at the time of the voyage, in relations to the performance of work functions and cultural characteristics, we try to develop open democratic communication structures, which in the conceptual continuation enable integration of influential factors into the processes of co-shaping and co-deciding on specific accession issues during the voyage. Through the democratization of relations, primarily through the democratization of relations, we are striving to develop a conceptual idea that, through democratic communication structures, it is possible to establish communication conditions between the equal members of the coexisting and functioning communities, which contribute to a more efficient flow of goods, prosperity on an individual and a collective level and mostly help deduce the posibility of risking major accidents on the sea